Tory Schendel-Vyvoda

Professional Highlights

Microgallery Grassroots initiative

Exhibits local, regional, national, and international artists in a space that fosters inclusion and removes institutional barriers.  

For more information about the Lamasco Microgallery:

Click Here 

To view the Exhibition Schedule:

Click Here 

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Collections Researcher

Fourteen years of experience researching artifacts from museum and university collections for exhibitions and publications

Community Curator

Working with descendant communities to build exhibitions

Television & Interviewing

Experienced in filmography and interviewing. Image from video promoting the upcoming PBS documentary, "Hoosier Spirits: Distilling Indiana, " and PBS TV series, "Journey Indiana: Deep Roots."

Link to Advertisement 

Link to Watch "Journey Indiana" Segment 


Photography and mixed media artist 

Adjunct Instructor

Experience in lecturing on cultural heritage, museum studies, and art history.  

International Adjunct Instructor

Global experience in lecturing on cultural heritage, museum studies, and art history.  

Proficient in Archaeology fieldwork

Digging on a Neolithic site in Grantham, England & currently earning a Field Work Certificate at the Archaeological Research Institute 

Guest Lecturer

Ability to serve as guest speaker, keynote speaker, conference presenter, poster session, panelist & workshop leader 


Skilled in preventative care conservation practices

Winner of the 2023 Conserv Preventative Care Award

Link to read blog about the project & award 

3D Modeling & Photogrammetry  

Works with PROW Research Group to increase public access to cultural heritage sites and artifacts

 Click here for more information 

Smithsonian certified

NMAAHC Ethical Interpretation Workshop 2022 Cohort

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